How AI and a digital telco strategy is helping MVNOs overtake the competition
02 May 2023
Thanks to the rapid rise of ChatGPT, there is now a real appetite to use machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace.
The benefits range from producing complex, technical...
Seven ways MVNOs and digital brands can win in a recession
15 February 2023
By John Burton, CEO, MDS Global.
Since joining MDS Global, I’ve been meeting with customers to learn more about how we can help them deliver their strategy in challenging times. No matter whether...
Five benefits of a digital-first strategy in 2023
06 February 2023
Reduce costs. Increase margin & value. Improve retention. According to our customers, these are the three biggest priorities for telecoms across the world. Economic turbulence, cost conscious...
Serving the underserved SME market in six steps
23 November 2018
In the UK, 99% of businesses are small or medium sized, meaning that they employ 0 – 249 people, and 96% are micro-businesses, employing 0 – 9 people [1]. Given its size, the SME market holds much...
Telecoms digital transformation: Look how far we’ve come!
31 January 2017
It used to be so simple: B2C and B2B and that was that. Neat. Little. Pockets. Then the millennium happened! Everything went blurry, even after the champagne hangovers had worn off. Consolidation was...